Take it as a compliment, you might want to stick to a more ambient kind of music, and i'm only saying that because yeah...
The start is so freaking kick-ass, really good ambiance.
Take it as a compliment, you might want to stick to a more ambient kind of music, and i'm only saying that because yeah...
The start is so freaking kick-ass, really good ambiance.
Yeah, I do a lot of ambient music/intros for my friends band. It's a good deal :D
Thanks a lot for your review ^^
What can i say...
Starting off with the beginning, that was some fucking legit shit man, first i was like, what the fuck, where is this leading to?
and suddenly, kabang!
Smooth as what.
I am personally not a big fan of 8-bit music, and i kinda missed the extreme drums in this one.
It's really nice glitch though, and very original and creative indeed.
The ending was very... Well, i interpretated it as kinda touching or beautiful, i hope that is kinda much what you wanted to make. (:
Great job though!
It's ok
But a little sloppy at some parts, and the autotune should have a bigger glide time to make it sound a líttle more human, i don't know if you like that but ehm...
I can't stand the obvious autotune sound xD
The music should have a bigger punch too, it's all about the vocals it seems.
Anyways, nice job overall.
Sick crescendo song brother, very nice indeed!
I really like the sounds you used, they sound really full and analog, and the chord progression is very beautiful too.
The hopeful sound at 1:37 or so, near the ending, is... só beautiful.
A lot of emotion put in this track, i can clearly hear that.
I tend to put a lot of feeling in tracks too, at least i try to.
If you like ambient. i recommend you, and ask you, to check out my latest song. It's called 'Escaping the Daily Routine'. I am looking forward to a review with criticism.
Back to your song though. Listened to it 3 times now and i just can't say anything bad about it. It's really Hopeful and peaceful at some parts, yet adventurous and heavy in the bass-filled parts.
I don't know hów you pulled it off but it's one of the coolest chord progressions i have heard in a long, long while.
It's still a very basic boring chord progression, the difference is how I approach it. That's why I believe film music with basic chord progression are just as amazing as renowned classical works.
Playing around with 'Textures and FX' in Nexus, huh? :)
Anyways, nice job on that submission, i liked it a lot for a horror track.
This would fit better in misc. though i believe.
The ending might be smoother, but that's alright...
If you have the time, and like ambient, check out my latest song, Escaping the Daily Routine. I would be very glad with a review. (:
Hehe, Nexus is indeed wonderful :)
thx for the review too, I'll check your out aswell later on :)
The quality and composition is just extremely, ridiculously good.
Keep on being Zircon.
And the guy who did the guitars, i don't personally know you, but from hearing this i can already tell you're a mónster on the 6-string electric beauty.
Nice Collab!
Very nice indeed.
Let's compare a few things.
Let's compare a few things here.
I don't like hip hop at all.
This is hip hop.
This song just made me cry in a good way.
Mad respect!
This is probably the sickest shit i've ever heard.
One Word...
Age 32, Male
Joined on 4/8/04